Breaking Down Today’s Pay Per Head Bookie Software Marketplace

Pay Per Head Bookie Software offers private bookies the opportunity to automate their businesses and manage them fully online. There is a wide selection of bookie services to help you accomplish your goal. Known as pay-per-head providers, these services allow you to efficiently manage your operations with ease.

The pay-per-head business model charges a weekly fee per active betting customer for their services. By only paying for what you use, you can maximize the value in the fees these sites charge.

What is Pay Per Head (PPH) bookie software? 

It is a service that provides bookmakers with the tools and infrastructure needed to manage their betting operations efficiently. Instead of developing and maintaining their own platforms, bookmakers can use PPH services to handle the day-to-day operations of running a sportsbook. For those who are still in the process of selecting a sportsbook, our complete guide on choosing the perfect sportsbook can help you make an informed decision.

The average weekly per-head fee is around $10 per active betting customer. This should cover everything you need to successfully run and manage your own independent bookmaking operation. Upgraded plans are also available for expanded services. However, a base plan should fully meet the needs of most private bookie services.

The biggest trick to contracting a pay-per-head service is finding the right one for your business needs. You will want to make this decision right the first time. Given the rapid expansion of sports betting in general, the marketplace for pay-per-head sites has expanded as well. To avoid potential pitfalls and ensure you’re dealing with reputable providers, check out our article on how to avoid shady sportsbooks.

Breaking things down, you can separate today’s pay-per-head marketplace into three distinct categories:

  • The ‘Best of the Best’
  • Functional Options
  • Along for the Ride

Functional options will work, but they will not fully optimize your individual efforts as a private bookie. Along with the ride, PPH sites will take you for a ride while costing you way more money in the long run. 

This is why sticking with the ‘best of the best’ is the only way to choose a pay-per-head bookie services provider.

Fortunately, there are more than a few options that fall into this category. This elite group’s common trait is industry experience and expertise.

The origins of the pay-per-head industry date back to the early offshore sportsbooks that took their services online. Most of the top pay-per-head providers are based in Costa Rica, which has grown to become the center of the universe for this industry.

Successful owners/operators of these PPH sites come from a sports betting background and have a keen understanding of online gambling software solutions. 

The best pay-per-head plans allow you to turn a sports bookmaking business into a full-service online gambling site with the addition of software solutions for horse betting and casino gambling. Many of the top PPH sites have also added poker room software in recent years.

Another important attribute of the best PPH services is an upgraded internal operating system. This involves a major ongoing investment. You need a bookie services site that can keep your business up and running online continuously. Never underestimate the importance of reliable online service.

Security is another important attribute of a quality PPH provider. They need to ensure that every online transaction will be processed in a safe and secure manner. Understanding the regulatory landscape is also crucial for ensuring the legitimacy and security of your PPH provider. Learn more about the licensing regulators around the globe to better navigate this aspect.

The ‘best of the best’ in the pay-per-head industry offer an internal operating system that rivals used by the biggest commercial sportsbooks to power their online betting platforms.

Advanced Pay Per Head Bookie Solutions

As the entire sports betting industry continues to evolve at a quickened pace, so do the technology and software solutions that are vital to the business’s operational end. 

Online sportsbooks continue to refine their sports betting processes. The result is a more seamless system for all their end users. As a private bookie, you can develop and expand your own individual betting base. However, you still need the ability to level the playing field against the big commercial online books.

The best way to compete with the big books is to offer the same high level of sophistication in your online betting platform. By leveling that field, you can create a competitive edge through a higher level of customer service and personal attention to detail that the big books cannot match.

To raise the bar to current standards and beyond, you need to sign on with a quality pay-per-head bookie solutions provider that has already distinguished its products and services from the pack.

With the increase in demand for private bookie services, the pay-per-head market has become overcrowded in recent years. Too many providers are in it for the fast buck. They offer generic solutions that are, in most cases, already outdated and obsolete.

The top-rated PPH services in today’s marketplace are willing to make the necessary investments to stay well ahead of the technology and software curve. Their internal operating systems would rival what the most significant commercial books are using to power their online betting platforms.

Working with the right PPH site right from the start is the best way to run a bookie business these days. Even if you are tied to a current bookie services provider, it has never been easier to switch. 

With the full support of a designated account manager and an entire team of in-house industry experts, you can seamlessly transition to one of these advanced pay-per-head bookie solutions.

Best of all, the weekly plans offered at these top PPH sites are comparable in cost to the generic plans available for far less. Through favorable economies of scale, these advanced plans also add true value to your weekly cost.

The big question at hand is finding a quality pay-per-head bookie solutions plan that best meets your particular business needs. Fortunately, the available PPH resources at the top of that list are not that large of a group.

When it comes to the “best of the best,” a few PPH services stand out from all the rest. There are a number of industry review sites that do an excellent job of separating the best from the rest, but you still need a source that takes a comprehensive and unbiased approach to producing their review.

There is still no substitute for performing your due diligence in this search. This will be one of the most critical business decisions you will ever have to make. It is the kind of decision that you will want to get right the first time.

The best options offer a no-cost, no-obligation trial of everything they offer as an added vote of confidence in the bookie solutions package offered. This is the best way to ensure that your PPH plan is the right fit.

Searching for Quality Pay Per Head Sports Betting Solutions is Worth the Added Effort

The ‘best of the best’ in the pay-per-head bookie services industry are constantly looking for ways to improve their products and services. They are not content with resting on their laurels in an industry that is constantly changing.

Too many pay-per-head sites these days are more concerned with collecting their weekly fees. That is why it becomes so essential to perform your own due diligence as a private bookie heading into a new football season. 

As a private bookie, you must take the time to conduct a proper and extensive search. This is especially true this time of year, with so much on the line. 

This type of business decision can define both your short-term and long-term success. Getting hooked up with an inferior PPH service will severely impact your overall bottom line. 

What you might think you are saving upfront with cheaper weekly per-head fees will cost you way more money in the long run. Downtime essentially closes your business. Security issues pose a serious threat to your personal online data. Soft betting lines increase negative exposure.

These are just a few of the serious issues you may face if you choose the wrong bookie services provider.

Fortunately, there are a few superior pay-per-head sites to choose from these days. These top-rated PPH sites offer the necessary experience and expertise to help you take your bookie business to a whole new level of success.

The sports betting industry is booming these days. As the anticipation for another football season builds, you are in an excellent position to fully capitalize on the sports betting craze.

Avid sports fans have suddenly turned into avid sports bettors. They are looking for a higher level of service and personal attention to detail that you can provide as an independent bookie.

However, they are also looking for all the fancy bells and whistles that come with today’s commercial sports betting apps. By aligning your business with the right pay-per-head software provider, you can completely level the playing field against the commercial sportsbooks you still have to compete against.

Today’s best pay per head sites utilize an internal operating system that would rival what the biggest commercial books are using to power their online sports betting platform. From enhanced mobile betting capabilities to built-out betting boards, you will have all the tools you need in the box to effectively compete in today’s expanded marketplace.

It all starts with taking a professional approach to the search process. You should know who the major players in the bookie services industry are. This lets you weed out the sites that do not make the grade.

You should also know exactly what you are getting for the weekly PPH fees you pay. A quality weekly PPH plan is comprehensive in its design and turnkey in its application. It does not come with any hidden fees or added costs buried in the fine print. 

The best the pay per head industry has to offer will give you an extended timeframe to test drive their software solutions at no upfront cost and no further obligation through a free trial.

How to Pick the Best Pay Per Head

Local bookies, neighborhood bookies, that guy everyone recognizes in the local sports pub, the guy at work, the university, or wherever it may be that you find yourself selling sports bets, you are “that guy” and your clients have come to depend on you. They know you; they trust you, and some of them even love you like a brother. Now, it’s up to you to give them what they are looking for in a sportsbook. 

realbookies pay per head bookie

They want convenience, they want quick, they want right now, and they expect there to be no hassle whatsoever. On top of all that, they want it online so they don’t have to call you to place a wager. Your clients are looking for every sport known to man and they want to bet every possible way imaginable on those sports. 

What are you giving to your clients? Are you giving them all of the above? They expect you to be all things to all people all of the time. Are you fulfilling their expectations? If you are not online, how are you giving your clients any kind of casino or racebook? 

The fact of the matter is this… you are one person and you can’t possibly be all things to all people, all of the time. You can’t take phone calls at all hours of the night, and you can’t run all over town collecting money and being the errand boy for everyone who wants to bet on sports or play a slot machine. The problem here – you need to be all of the above. You must be all of the above or you will not earn a drop in the bucket in comparison to what you could be earning if you had an online presence to offer your clients. 

  1. The pay per head is your ticket to freedom and financial independence.
  • The pay per head industry started well over 20+ years ago as a service for local bookmakers just like you. The business was launched in the Caribbean, and right where many of the top PPH providers are located today – Costa Rica. 
  • The pay per head is an online provider of bookmaking services. They offer the latest and best software that allows you to operate your business just like any of the largest online sportsbooks that you can find with a quick Google search. 
  • Think about the biggest or maybe some of the most famous online sportsbooks – now, take a moment and Google a couple of them. Look at their website, take a glance at the wagering menu and the overall layout of the web page. What you see is what you can have with a pay per head. 
  1. What can the pay per head do for you?
  • Think of the pay per head as a management company for bookies. You are the bookie and you need to be organized. You must present what you are offering daily and you must also present the lines and odds on those events. 
  • We know you know this and we hate to state the obvious, but we must… there are a lot of sporting events every single day, you will want to offer many of them or in some cases, most of them, to your betting clients. 
  • The pay per head will organize your events daily, and before the crack of dawn (the night before when possible), they will also set your lines and odds for every event. 
  • The pay-per-head will always respect you as the owner. When you sign up with a PPH, you are the boss, the owner. What goes is because you want it to go and authorize it to be done. 
  • All lines and odds are set for you daily, however, you will always have the ability to change them, for any reason, at any time. You will also have the ability to decide what sporting events that you want to offer and which ones that you would rather not offer. 
  • The pay per head is the online bookie, they are in effect the bookie, they do your job for you. They set all of the day’s action, they set all of the lines and odds, and they accept all wagers, either on the website through your client’s account or over the phone. Your clients will have access to an 800 number and they can call at any time, for any reason. 
  •  The pay-per-head keeps track of all your finances: money in, money out, bets lost, and bets won. They will automatically update your client’s account after a win or loss and they will also grade all bet slips. 
  1. Finding the right pay-per-head is easy.
  • Honest pay per head reviews can be found across the internet. If you want the truth, you will easily find it. Word of mouth travels fast, and bookies are quick to tell others the good and bad. 
  • Look for a pay per head that offers you a custom-built website as a bonus, for free. There is no reason to spend big money building a website. The PPH will build it for you and they will work with you to customize it to your gaming specifications. 
  • Make sure that any pay per head that you are thinking of doing business with is offering you a sportsbook, a Las Vegas-style casino, and a world-class racebook. Along with the racebook and casino, you must ask them if they are offering all of these amenities royalty-free. 
  • Every pay per head provider charges a fee for its service but the best ones on the market are charging between $7-15 per head, per week. Make sure to ask a potential PPH what their billing structure is and never pay any upfront cost. 

By leveraging PPH bookie software, bookmakers can run a professional and efficient sportsbook operation without the overhead and complexities of developing and maintaining their own software.

Your clients will love your new online sportsbook. Finally, you are giving them what they have been asking for. They want choices when it comes to sports betting, and they want a great racebook and casino. Most of all, they want to bet on their time, not on yours. Now, they can bet at 3:00 AM and not call you. You will love this more than the client and you will be on your way to earning a six-figure income from the profits of what a pay per head can offer.